Blog posts

Can tea help Stress Relief? A scientific answer

A simple answer, yes, tea can help us in stress relief and give us a better mood and surprisingly, longer time of focus if you want to complete some tasks....

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Guide to Matcha Whisk - Right and Wrong way

The Chasen is a traditional tool that needs to be treated gently. There are a few tips:  1. Store in cool dry place 2. Clean it right after using 3. Use...

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How to brew Matcha at Home and keep its authentic taste?

Warm up the bamboo brush before using, then adding 25ml of warm water in your bowl with 2g of matcha powder. Then brush in a W or V motion as fast as...

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What is Gong-Fu Cha? Chinese tea ceremony explained

Gongfu cha is a style of brewing only using small teapot (120ml) and high ratio of tea (3-8g) to extract a full and intense flavour and aroma of the tea....

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How to prepare cold-infused tea at home?

Cold-infused tea is very straight forward - Put your tea into fresh cold (room temperature) water and leave it for hours. But apart from cooling yourself down during the hot summer,...

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Only green tea has EGCG (anti-oxidant)?

EGCG not only exists in green tea, but in every tea. The only difference is concentration level in each tea. Generally speaking, green tea has the highest level, about 50%...

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What is oolong tea and why you should try.

The health benefits of oolong tea are boosting metabolism, aiding our digestive system, oil-cutting effect and moderate caffeine than green tea. We are introducing these wonderful healthy tea and the...

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